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Dynamic Payload Contest
"Dynamic (dy-nam-ic): A Force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process"
Armed with only a rickety hammer and this definition of dynamic, the Mappers of TF2Maps.net took on the Major Mapping competition #7: Dynamic Payload. They had only four months to take this definition and incorporate it into an element (or two, or three, etc) for their payload map. Four months later, 27 payload/payload race maps were entered, each with its own dynamic elements. Two weeks of preliminary voting has narrowed down the field to the top eleven maps and now it is your turn, the community, to help decide the top 3. How well do these "dynamic" elements help the maps? Download the maps, play through them and decide. When you're done, be sure to vote on which ones you liked best!


Kommentare für Dynamic Payload Contest
# 1 von Makke
wenn du meintest, du wirst news machen , dachte ich schreiben, nicht strg +c + strg +v 'en

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